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The Next Stage of Your Life Can Be Remarkable

SOMA residents, Mark & Risa have been on the move all their lives — and they’re still moving!

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By day Kat’s a teacher and Jay’s a CFO, by night its all music for these Mapso natives.

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Joe & Leslie retired from careers in transportation to pursue their passions.

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By choice, retirement is a way off, but she’s already pursuing her passion.

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After years as an entrepreneur Matt’s sailing around the world.

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Beth nurtures young professionals and is also learning to cultivate all things green.

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Holly & Rob ’s passion for basketball means there’s no sitting on the sidelines!

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John's career taught him to design well, so for the next stage he is creating new projects to tackle.

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Watch This: Your Retirement Starts Here

See Our Clients: A GenWealth Story

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